How to include your dog in your engagement photos

Couple in love kisses in golden field with their black lab in the foreground.

When I met Cassidy + Garrett, I knew we were going to hit it off! As we walked around the lake to find the most magical spots for photos in Lake Los Carneros Park, the conversation flowed naturally and we found ourselves laughing at the ridiculous things our pets do and our experiences as undergrads at UCSB. They were so open and in love, and I felt honored to be capturing their engagement and the little family they were creating.

Can you bring your dog to your engagement shoot? YES.

A few days earlier, I was overjoyed when they asked me if they could bring their dog, a black lab named Tandy, with them to their engagement shoot. I believe my exact response was “Um YES, OMG YES. PLEASE BRING HER!” There is absolutely nothing cuter than including your pup (or any other special pet) in your engagement photos. I was already mentally putting together a shot list of puppy kisses, belly rubs, and boops.

Within five minutes of the shoot, I was squealing with excitement over the photos we were getting.

Don’t get me wrong, Cassidy + Garrett rocked the engagement shoot, effortlessly taking directions and naturally expressing their love for each other in front of the camera. But let’s be real - Tandy was the star. At 12 years old, this sweet-natured girl happily wagged her tail as she trotted along side her parents and gave wet kisses on demand. I was obsessed and could easily see why her parents loved her so much. In fact, Cassidy joked that the only reason she was marrying Garrett was for joint custody of Tandy!

Including their dog in their engagement photos truly made them all the more special. And just reliving this golden hued Santa Barbara engagement shoot while I write this blog post has me smiling all over again.

I cannot wait to have the privilege of photographing their small wedding in September!

Emma Nicole Photography Taking Photos With Your Dog

5 tips to easily include your pup in your photos

So, now that I’ve convinced you that including your dog in your engagement photos is definitely cute AF, you’re probably wondering how you can pull it off effortlessly like Cassidy + Garrett.

Here are five tips to make your puppy filled engagement shoot dream a reality:

  1. Before you do anything else, make sure it’s okay with your photographer. (If you’re working with me, it’s a “Heck yes!!”)

  2. Pick a dog-friendly location or ask your engagement photographer for recommendations. In Santa Barbara, parks, beaches, and hiking trails can make amazing locations for engagement photos and a lot of them are dog-friendly!

  3. Ask a friend to come with you. You’re going to need someone in the background to help get your pup’s attention and to hold them while you and your boo are taking more romantic photos.

  4. Bring treats - lots and lots of treats!

  5. Bring your fur baby’s favorite toys. Do they have a ball they love to chase, a rope they love to play tug-of-war with, or a plushy they love to cuddle? Bring it!

Read my blog post, “How to make your pregnancy announcement photos special” to see another example of a cute pup being included in photos!

Now get out there, play some fetch, and make some magic!


Emma Nicole Williams

Wedding and elopement photographer for the wild and the wildly in love.

How to make your pregnancy announcement photos special